The 20 best cities in the world to live in

13. Pretoria – South Africa

In the north of the South African country, we find Pretoria, one of the 3 capitals of the territory, more specifically the legislative capital. This city is considered to be the main provider of services for all of South Africa, standing out for its first-class education with numerous prestigious universities.

In most cases when we hear about South Africa, the first concern that comes to mind is racism, however, although there are still evident ideological differences, the coexistence between races is pleasant with a low rate of hate crimes. If you decide to choose Pretoria as your new home you must be respectful of its legendary culture and accept its national customs, if you achieve that, you will have no problem in making many South African friends.

This country has 11 official languages, most of them originated from African tribes, however, the most spoken and common among all its inhabitants is English and you should know it perfectly in order to communicate with them. South Africans are extremely happy and helpful people, despite their painful past, they always welcome foreigners with open hearts and arms, and it’s impossible not to get infected with their characteristic joy.

Living in Pretoria in monetary terms is more accessible than other cities in South Africa, with a minimum salary of 1000 euros and rents from 500 euros you can live in peace and have enough money to save at the end of the month. Even if you are a professional or prefer to live in areas further away from the center you can earn more and pay less in rent.
When it comes to climate, Pretoria is warm and temperate, which means that its winters are dry and moderately cold, while its summers are long and very hot. The average temperature of this city is between 5°C and 30°C.