The 20 best cities in the world to live in

19. Vienna – Austria

What can we say about this wonderful place that has not been said before? As Billy Joel points out in his song, Vienna is always waiting to give you a warm welcome.
Capital of Austria and located in the east of the country, Vienna is among the cities with the best quality of life in the world, therefore, it is not surprising that its political, social, economic and cultural sectors coexist in perfect synchrony, in addition to the fact that its population is always willing to carry out leisure activities and entertainment in its multiple restaurants, parks, theaters and museums.

As for the language, the official language is German, but fortunately for those who can speak English, 75% of the population knows how to speak it and it will be helpful until they learn the local language, since, in one way or another they must learn it if they really want to live there because for the Viennese it is a lack of respect not to speak their native language in their country.

Vienna is a city full of history and wisdom, so it is normal for its natives to have philosophical conversations and debates of all kinds. However, not all topics are welcome in the talks, for example, it is extremely impolite to talk about their participation in the Holocaust or even insinuate that they participated in it, better talk about soccer.

In monetary terms, life in Vienna can be more expensive than other cities in Austria, however, if you look in different areas you can get one-room apartments for 700 euros or rooms for 400 euros per month. The minimum wage in Vienna is 1100 euros which with affordable accommodation allows you to cover your expenses and have a margin for savings.
Regarding the climate this city is of the continental oceanic type, that is to say, its winters are very cold and snowy, and summers have a mild temperature. The typical temperature in Vienna is between -8°C and 26°C.